About Colin
Colin T.A. Gray
Principal Developer, Head of Mobile, and Two-Headed Hydra at Shopify, with Mustafa Ali.
Enthusiastic open source coder. These days hardware hacking is floating my boat (see Mechy), and I'm creating a programming language that is pretty pretty pretty good (see Extra).
This site is my personal playground, thoughts on programming and programming culture, summaries of some of the tools I've built.
-- Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Posts & Tools
- [1] They Should've Asked Me
- [2] I'm making a programming language and there's nothing you can do to stop me
- [1] Extra // Extra
- [2] TeaUI // TypeScript
- [3] Mechy // C++
- [4] zenburn // SCSS
- [5] Ashen // Swift
- [6] punt // Python
- [7] Plywood // Python
- [8] StrangeCase // Python
- [9] chomsky // Python
- [10] colinta.com // Svelte
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